Thursday, December 20, 2007
We're taking him today for an hour to see how he reacts. Our fingers are crossed and I admit, hearts a little heavy. No fair...I want parenthood to be easy.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Anyone need an interpreter?
Yesterday, he learnt his first Mizo word - chibai, which means hello. It's the cutest thing...he reaches out his hand extremely professionally for you to shake if you say "Vir, chibai!" And he has also finally figured out how to wave bye, which in his case is a wide flailing of the arm from side to side, in case you're not getting the point - B...Y...E...E...E!
The next thing on the cards, which I think he has almost learnt but not quite is a high five. Yikes, I really am one of those moms who expects too much out of a little one, and then will show off to bored friends all the new things he can do. I should be ashamed of myself.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Headbanger in the house
I guess this was the beginning of the latest new thing in his life - dancing! He's not selective about his music anymore. Anything will do - from the infuriating Fisher Price lady who carries on endlessly about itsy bitsy spiders, to music in TV ads and of course, to pop, rock, hip hop, jazz, indipop, trance, and everything in between. He started off with a little rocking of his head in response to any rhythm and has now expanded his dance steps to include full scale headbanging, butt shaking, random arm swaying, and also the only dance "step" his mother knows - shifting his weight from one leg to the other and swaying along! Of course, the type of dance doesn't have to match to the type of music resulting in super funny combinations, such as the latest headbanging to Tracy Chapman's Fast Car. He's also probably the only one ever to think that headbanging and Leonard Cohen go well together. Watching him do it though - they really do!
I don't know if he just has music in his blood, or if all babies do it - just that it never fails to make me laugh!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Some things Vir has taught me so far...
- You don't always get a warning - life changes forever just like that.
- Change is confusing, but might turn out to be a good thing, if you just give it some time.
- You'd never have thought it, but you can actually look forward to getting fat!
- It is possible to spend hours, days, and even months day dreaming.
- It's possible to go shopping and not even be tempted to get something for yourself.
- Apetites are relative.
- No matter what you tell yourself, you cannot be prepared for labor.
- It really is possible to go through the most excrutiating pain imaginable and then forget how it felt and wonder what all the fuss is about.
- It's okay to blame your husband (but only because he's super nice about being blamed.)
- It's not like the movies. You don't have to cry with joy the first time you see your baby. But at some point, maybe even months later, you will.
- Bringing up a baby is NOT AT ALL like bringing up a dog.
- Poop can actually shoot in projectiles and hit targets across the room.
- Baby wipes are a gift from God.
- Someone else's pooping schedule can become the focus of your whole day. And it's normal to wonder why everyone else doesn't care.
- You can survive on 1/10th of the sleep you're used to.
- Extreme happiness can be delivered in the form of the teeny tiny smile from a 6-week old baby. Because you know it's his first smile ever, and that it's for you.
- Baby smiles never get old.
- You go through the first 20-30 odd years of your life, before you've had a baby, without a clue of how the other half lives. Then, you get hit with a truck with the words "welcome to the other side" written across the front bumper.
- You can discuss every minute detail of your kid's day from when he woke up to what he ate to when he slept, pooped, smiled, moved an arm, turned a head, with anyone who's willing to listen.
- Most people aren't willing to listen. Watch for a glaze over the eyes and you'll know it's time to shut up.
- There is magic in the word "mama" when it's referring to you.
- Baby rhymes and songs are endlessly irritating.
- Dr. Seuss really knew his shit.
- A cow says moo.
- Whether you want to or not, if you're a mom, you mean the world to someone, and you just have to live up to the expectation.
- There's big money to be made in the baby product industry.
This really was no particular order, and all my wisdom is tiring me. I'll be back later to update this list.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
A cow says boo
Me: Vir, can you give me a kissie?
Vir: Ptchaah!
Me: Vir, a cow says...?
Vir: Boooo (I know it's mooo, but it always comes out booo, mommy).
This is obviously hugely entertaining for me, and I've never been good at knowing where to stop. So, 1000 times later.
Me: Vir, a cow says...?
Vir: Ptchaah, booooo (now leave me the hell alone, woman!)
Saturday, December 1, 2007
10 months!
- Vir can now (are you ready for this...?!) stand on his own! The record time is to the count of 18. I don't think this is the same as 18 seconds, because his nani was the one doing the counting, and she won't admit it, but she counted really fast! In any case, the point is that he can stand, and it's great, and he knows it, and he does it every waking moment.
- He has learnt to give "huggies" to his many very-hungry-for-endless-huggies recipients. It's wonderfully cute - if you ask him for a hug, he gets a totally shy smile on his face, looks down, and launches himself at you with his arms wide open. It can make your day and all it's crap completely worth it - one of those huggies.
- As of this morning, he has also learnt to kiss. Don't think he has figured out the word yet, but he will, if he chooses to, copy your little "wptchaah" sound and smile shyly at you. I got so excited when he did this for the first time, because I've been trying to teach him this for a month...I squealed loudly and scared him and made him cry. Maybe that's why he's not doing it too often.
- The biggest thing this month is that he has demonstrated his ability to manage without me. I was out of town for 4 days, and he spent his time entertaining my parents, who came down to look after him. I missed him terribly - much, much more than I had imagined I would. He missed me too - especially the first night - he kept looking around for me and towards the door thinking I'll show up. But he got used to the situation, I think, or at least sort of resigned himself to it and was perfect the remaining days. One of the happiest memories of my life was his reaction when I got back and met him. I can't quite describe it but perhaps if you think of the thing that makes you think that nothing can ever go wrong because it's just so right, you'll know what I'm talking about. He has me wrapped around his little finger, that one.
- Finally, the list of things and people that he can recognize is fast expanding. From fan and Baggdu, it has now grown to include papa, nana, nani, and Mashui didi. Sadly, it does not include mamma yet. He keeps saying it, but looks quite blank when you ask him where mamma is.
Each month, when I write this list, I am re-amazed at what a miracle this whole thing is and how great it is to see him unfold right in front of us and become his own little person. Now that I've weaned him off completely, this little person is truly ready to get on his own road and be on his way with all of us cheering him on, always.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Quick...start counting before I fall!
Of course, ever since he first stood up hesitantly, his confidence has grown drastically, as yours would too if you practiced the skill approximately 700 times a day. I'm glad he's giving it his all though, since his two little feet have a long way to go. Touch wood.
Monday, November 19, 2007
We're all going to die..
It's a Mom!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Random Thoughts
On the other hand, perhaps he would pass off my strange behavior as "the way grown ups are" and pick me anyway. Because he'd see that noone can love him as I do. And while that doesn't make khichdi any yummier, it's got to count for something.
Monday, November 12, 2007
First Diwali
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Sleep training
One of the tricks I tried last night was to lie down in bed with him and pretend to be fast asleep. I thought he'd eventually get bored playing by himself and fall asleep too. I was wrong. At first I thought I was on the right track. He tried all sorts of things to wake me up and get a reaction from me, including hanging by the headboard, crawling on my back, eating the blanket, and nipping at my arm. Then, he got bored and crawled next to me and lay down in exactly the same position as me to see if it was really as much fun as I made it look. Clearly, he didn't think so. It was only a couple of minutes from there till he found my hair and tugged out a few strands. Brave as I may be, I squealed in pain and that was the end of my wonderful plan. He figured out what got him a reaction and went all out to get it. I guess I don't need to tell you how the next couple of hours passed. He's catching up on the lost sleep now. I'll catch up in my next life.
Friday, November 2, 2007
9 months!

So here goes. Vir can now do the following amazing things:
- Smile a dazzling smile that's mostly gums and half of a tooth at people of his choosing. That's right - the razor edge from the 4th of October is now a little stubby half tooth.
- Crawl! I'm particularly proud of this one because he gets it right like he read it in a book. He doesn't go backwards like some babies do, he doesn't fall, he doesn't creep. He gets down there and he crawls like a champ. Vijay and I couldn't be prouder. (We're not the most ambitious as parents go.)
- Pull up to standing very easily and even cruise a couple of steps sometimes.
- Say aaja. Well, he only said it that one time, but he can say it. He's not doing it just to mess with me.
- Feed himself biscuits. He can pick up little pieces from his food tray and aim them towards his mouth. And chew and swallow them.
- Climb vertical surfaces. Obviously he is not successful at this and this exercise always ends in a loud thud. He's proving my baby book right - he has more brawn than brains. This means Vijay and I have more grey hair and less peace.
This 9 month update is special for me because he has now officially spent as much time out in the world as in my tummy. Somehow, that means something. Also, in the last 9 months, he has firmly established himself as the center of our world and we cannot imagine what we thought was our reason for living before he came along.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Independence (or the loosening of ties)
I hope he takes this next week well...I know he won't, actually. And I guess I won't either. But at the end of tunnel is a sippy cup full of formula being gulped happily by the so-far-very-stubborn-Vir.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Biscuits are a serious business
The great thing about this is that I now have one more way to keep him occupied for 5-7 minutes at a stretch. At least for now.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Oh my god oh my god!
So, I think he's ready to go to college now.
I'm amazed not so much that he can crawl, but that we were witness to this amazing process of trying and practicing and falling and getting up and failing and succeeding over the last few days till, finally, something clicked, and he just knew what to do and went ahead and did it.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
A tooth a tooth!
He's doing a bunch of other stuff now, yesterday, he pulled up to standing using my dad's knee as a support and then let go - so he was standing by himself for about a second before he fell. He might have stood for longer if mom and I hadn't shocked him by squealing loudly in delight. In our defence though, how often does your first kid/grandkid stand by himself for the first time?
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
My new project
Monday, October 1, 2007
8 Months!
- Crawl much more neatly than last month, though not fully yet.
- Get himself from lying on his tummy to sitting (with some struggle).
- Pull himself up to standing from sitting.
- Say blah blah blah and tla tla tla.
- Say mamamama predictably every time he is sleepy or hungry (I suspect he knows what it means!)
- Eat a biscuit by himself, though the last one I gave him mysteriously found it's way into his diaper.
- Tell us, in no uncertain terms, when he is not happy. He could always do that, I guess, but the manner is really funny now!
- Recognize his nana and nani and feel super confortable with them. I think he even knows his Dehradun house now because he doesn't seem to feel new here at all.
- Demonstrate his love for chocolate by lunging towards the piece his nani dangles in front of him despite all obstacles.
I'm waiting to be able to write that he has teeth in the next update. I can feel his lower gum becoming a little more hope we're almost there.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Lots of first times
The other first was a family vacation! We all went to his first time by the sea. It was really great, although, unfortunately, I couldn't take him near the water because he came down with a high fever and a cough, probably because he's teething. Another first. He's been really cranky and unpredictable for the past few days and has developed a habit of sticking closely to me and bawling if I so much as move out of his direct line of sight for a few seconds. That's a little hard for me since I really can't be with him all the time, but luckily, I have my mom and sister in law around to help out and entertain him while I'm working. I hope this clinginess is just a phase. I think it is, because he's normally a pretty social baby and willing to be entertained by any of his willing admirers! All I need to see now is if this phase will outlast my back and my patience!
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Looks matter
Friday, August 31, 2007
7 months!
- Sit unsupported.
- Crawl!! It's not a very "neat" and traditional sort of crawl yet. More like a cross between a creep and a crawl really. But he can move around all over the floor to get at whatever he wants.
- Stretch his arms out all by himself when he decides he wants to come to me.
- Say mamamama, babababa, dadadada, and sometimes nanana quite well.
- Laugh out loud when he touches Baggdu.
- Recognize Baggdu and look his way when you ask him where Baggdu is.
- Protest violently if you take away something he wants.
- Drink water out of a sippy cup.
- Cause Vijay and me to have mini heart attacks every time he rolls to the edge of the bed and almost falls off in 2 seconds flat!
I think that's it for now. I cannot believe he's at the 7 month mark. The major milestone now is 1 year! Yikes.
Friday, August 24, 2007
This development was well timed, since the rest of my week has been utterly depressing, and I really needed this! My maid quit, or actually, just disappeared without a day's notice. Anyone who depends on a maid for the smooth functioning of their life knows what tragedy this is. I'm picking up the pieces now, and not having much fun doing it. Oh well, mamma said there'd be days like this, I guess.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
So much joy!
I cannot even believe that this simple gesture can make me as happy as it does. Sigh.
By the way, I now know what moms are thinking when they're always complaining about how thin their little ones are. They just don't see things the way normal people do.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
6 and a half months!
- Roll over both ways - from his back to his stomach and stomach to back - this means I can't leave him unattended for anything more than one second since he rolls all over the place.
- Look at the fan when I ask him where it is!! (This boy has genius written all over him!)
- Mock cough, just because he knows it makes us laugh.
- Sit in his high chair to eat his various meals - ranging from bananas (still his favorite) to khichdi (not the most popular choice yet).
- Forcefully let me know when he doesn't want to eat something by pursing his lips tightly, turning his head to one side and keeping it there till I give up.
- Set a goal, like a toy or anything else, that is lying anywhere on the bed and then do whatever it takes to get there - from rolling over and over, stretching, propelling himself on his knees, and if all else fails, screaming in frustration till someone hands it to him.
- Do push ups - or some strange version of them anyway...where he lifts himself up on his hands, toes, and head.
- Involve his knees in the push ups and use them to leap forward like a little frog.
All these developments have been tremendous fun to watch. He's so funny. We were thinking of buying a new TV earlier, but now we'll just put him up on the wall. And start charging people to watch.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Food, sleep, and other life choices
I went back and forth a lot about whether to try off-the-shelf food or not. But, we have to go out of town soon, and I'd rather he tries out some ready made options now, so he can digest stuff in an emergency. Also, in the spirit of making him tough and ready for the world, I'd like to try out a bunch of different things so his stomach doesn't learn to become too sensitive.
If only I could teach him to have formula though. He HATES the stuff. Rejects it completely from a mile away. I tried it in a bottle, a spoon, a glass, his sipper, my finger - everything. The response I get each time is a violent flinging of his whole self in a random direction away from the source of the formula. Sigh. You win some you lose some, I guess. This one, I have definitely lost.
The other big thing that has happened is that I have started working again. I'm working from home for a few hours a day, which is really nice for my sanity. It also means I'm having to mould Vir's routine to my new one - quite a task, that. So far, the going has been decent with a few hiccups. His morning wake-up time, for instance, is suddenly much earlier than I would like. Just when you think something is carved in stone, he breaks the stone.
What else - I bought him a little kurta pyjama from Fab India to wear at Vijay's brother's wedding. It's too big, but luckily, Fab India stuff shrinks. He will look so cute in that...can't wait to see him and put up pictures here. I love shopping for him. In fact, I can't remember the last time I browsed through a grown up clothes store for stuff for me.
Alright - more later. This is all I have time for now. I really hope I can post his 6-month update in time. I may not have internet access. I will be living like the other half. Plonk.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
5 Months!

- He can now eat solids!!! So far, he has tasted cerelac and bananas
- Determine and communicate, very effectively, that he hates cerelac and loves bananas
- Drink water from a glass
- Stay on his stomach for 15-20 minutes, and know when to rest his head at regular intervals in between
- Bear weight on his legs and "stand" when being supported under his shoulders
- Laugh loudly and enjoy himself when he's being swung in the air and complain when the fun stops
- Lift his butt in the air when lying on his tummy and try to propel himself forward, mostly unsuccessfully
- Communicate in many, many tones of voice, including a low sing-song tone that he uses when he's totally contented with the way life is working out
- Poop in a baby potty - has only done this once but gives me hope that he's on his way to poopy independence
- Say mama (see below!)
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Drinks of more than one kind
Meanwhile, Vir also visited a pub sort of place for the first time yesterday. I know how that sounds but it wasn't so bad! A few friends from work were getting together to celebrate a happy occasion and the only way I could go was to take him along with me. We were the only ones there since it was 7 in the evening. So it wasn't noisy or smoky - just a nice, relaxed place where we were all together. Vir loved it. He sat in his car seat, which I had perched on the couch, and basked in the compliments my friends were pouring on him! He's so well behaved any time I take him out - I hope he stays that way and my luck doesn't run out on that one since I love being able to take him with me wherever I go.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Moving on to bigger things
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Mataji and Pitaji
Vijay has been trying to figure out, since before Vir was born, what he wants to be called by his kid. There are so many choices - there's Teta, which is what he calls his dad. But, really, there can be only one teta, so that just sounds weird when referring to Vijay. Then there's Deota, which is the Assamese word for father. He thinks it's nice but a little too high and mighty. Then there's papa, which is in the running, but a little behind for some reason. I think Vijay's not used to it and doesn't like it much. Other options are Dad, daddy, pop, pater, father, deta, and pitaji. When you think about it, it's quite a challenge to pick the one thing you want to be called by the people you're going to end up loving the most and thinking about almost all the time. He needs to decide quickly though; time is running out - Vir will be talking soon at the rate he's going!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Four Months!

- Reach out for things held out in front of him, or even to his side and get it right almost always
- Put everything possible in his mouth
- Laugh
- Turn over on his stomach and stay that way for at least 2-3 minutes at a time
- Laugh when I mock swing him in the air and express dissatisfaction when I stop
- Hold up his head really well and even turn fully to look another way when on someone's shoulder
- Hold entire conversations in gurgle speak
- Turn in the direction of sound
- Recognize my voice, I think
Can you believe it?
First train journey
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Dr. Seuss is my friend
You can think up some birds
That's what you can do
You can think about yellow
Or think about blue
You can think about red
You can think about pink
You can think up a horse
Oh, the THINKS you can think!
Oh think thinks you can think up
If only you try
If you try, you can think up
A guff going by!
Vir has a great time with the colors and the rythm in all of Dr. Seuss' books. And I have a wonderful time watching him respond the way he does. I know reading time will always be my favorite! I hope he always loves it the way he does now.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
I can say Koka

The other big, no - huge - thing that happened since I last posted - Vir can now roll over on to his tummy all by himself! (ta-daaah!) That happened on the 8th of May for the first time, and now it's almost a daily thing. I'd like to say he loves to do it, but it's really more of an accident most of the time when he's turning his head in all directions in the hope of finding some milk. He actually hates it since he gets his arm stuck under his tummy when he rolls over and doesn't know what to do about it except lie there with a really sad expression on his face till I yank his arm out and roll him back over. I'm worried that his arm and chest muscles won't be strong enough if he doesn't spend enough time on his tummy. Teta says I'm expecting too much out of a three month old. That may be true, I suspect. Anyway, will update this space as more happens!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
How could you do this to me?!
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Three Months!

- Recognize me, and I think, recognize Vijay
- Give Vijay a huge smile and lots of gurgling when he gets back from work
- Wake up happy in the morning and gurgle at me for a bit
- Squeal in delight
- Express himself in at least 20 different tones of voice
- Concentrate on small objects
- Express his preference for sitting propped up on my lap rather than lying down so he can see things the right way up
- Gather up the front of his shirt and stuff it in his mouth
- Grab and object if you place it on his chest and take it to his mouth
- Suck either one or both of his hands for a really long time!
So, lot's of progress, as you can see:-). I wonder what this list will have on it next month!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Asleep on my tummy
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
What will he be like?
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Back in Gurgaon

Vir is awesome - more and more so everyday. He is so much more talkative and alert now than even two weeks ago. My mom came two days ago to visit and help me since Vijay is out of town. She says he has changed a lot. He is also balder now than he was. I wonder if I should be worried about him losing hair. They say it's pretty normal but his head is quite patchy now. I don't have any new pictures, unfortunately, since my camera has decided to die on me. I do have some on my phone, so I guess I'll put those up here soon. Not as great, quality wise, but who cares when your subject is so cute!
Vir held my finger, voluntarily, for the first time a couple of days ago - on the 20th of April to be precise! It was so wonderful to know that he actually wanted to hold my hand. Well, maybe I carried that too far. He just wanted to hold "a" finger that happened to be dangling nearby. Pretty special nevertheless!!
Everything he can get hold of these days goes straight into his mouth - his hands, his clothes, his blanket, his toys, my hands! I got a picture of him trying to eat a ball yesterday.
I really have to post here more often so I don't lose track of everything. Now that I have my act together a little bit, I'll try!
Sunday, April 1, 2007
2 Months!

- Focus on a face, or his toys - even the small ones
- Follow movement and turn his head accordingly from one side to another, though not always all the way through
- Smile wide
- Say "oooo," "aaaa," and "aggggooo"
- Squeal in delight - sometimes
- Laugh a little - sometimes
- Raise his voice when he feels ignored or generally wants to complain
- Raise his head about 60 degrees when he's on his tummy
- Turn to his side himself when laid on his back
- Push his legs against a surface and move himself forward
- Recognize sound (like his favorite song!)
- Recognize when I pick him up (I think)
So that's a tonne of new stuff:-) I'm so proud of him.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Good day

Almost two months!

So anyway, about the's fairly flexible, but looks roughly like this:
7:00 - 8:00 am - wake up, cry for milk, have milk, and sleep again
8:00 - 9:00 am - stretch arms and legs and try to open eyes for about an hour or so
9:00 - 9:30 am - wake up, cry for milk, have milk, sleep again
9:30 - 10:30 am - wake up and get diaper change, then play with nani
10:30 - 11:30 am - have milk, play with nana when he's back from his golf game
11:30 am - 1:00 pm - have milk, get an awesome massage from nani, have a bath, have milk, and sleep
1:00 - 4:00 pm - sleep (but wake up for the exact 15 minutes at around 2 that mum is having lunch)
4:00 - 7:00 pm - wake up and play
7:00 - 8:00 pm - another short nap
8:00 pm - 2:00 am - play, sleep, cry, play, cry, eat, play, cry
2:00 - 7:00 am - sleep, wake up, sleep
So, fairly packed daily agenda as you can see. This means I'm always on call - so far it's mostly just to feed him since his nana and nani are more than happy to constantly play with him, or try to get him to sleep, or change him, or take him for a walk. I love doing all of these things as well. Being a mom is really growing on me. I really didn't imagine how much this little thing would mean to me from day 1. I do hope I can chronicle this time well...I know it will never come back. So, I'm writing (almost regularly) a daily diary for Vir and now this, for me.