Vir: Mamma, if America is in trouble, I will save it. I will run into the elevator and press the emergency button!Wouldn't we all be happier if that's how wars were fought:-)?
Thursday, December 23, 2010
My little warrior
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
It was one of those I've-had-enough-of-this-bullshit-walkouts. From a 19 month old baby.
Vijay is seriously worried. I just think this is hilarious. Of course, we'll need some sort of parenting strategy with this little firecracker. Let me go and google toddler walkouts and how to survive them now.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Social Butterfly
Sunday, December 12, 2010
If she could talk...
1. I love you, bhai.
2. What's in the fridge?
3. Gosh, that pantry cupboard is so much fun. Let's raid!
4. How about a dishwasher exploration?
5. What's in the oven? I love that thing.
6. I like cars as much as bhai does. Stop buying me dolls, please.
7. Can we go and buy some cars?
8. What's for snack time?
9. Isn't it snack time again?
10. Yes, I know I already had a snack. What's for snack time?
11. God bless cows that say moo and give us milk.
12. Why do people keep talking about my cheeks? Is this a good thing?
13. Can we go and buy some blueberries and strawberries, please?
14. Mom, time to update your collection of songs on your ipod. I need more to dance on.
15. Wait, let me help you with that just have to bang your fist on the keys a couple of that...see?
16. Bhai is in the bathroom again. Time to go help. Be right back.
17. Why don't I get to go to school?
18. I like pretty shoes.
19. I like pretty clothes too.
20. And lotions and creams.
21. Oooh...and handbags!
22. I also really, really like toilet paper.
23. What's on the food network?
24. When I grow up, I will not ignore baby tantrums like you do. Hmpfh.
25. I want what I want and I want it now.
26. We both know I can smile my way through this mess. See? :-)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Nothing matters when we're dancing
The other smart thing we did was to get tickets to the puppet show. It was really great and I definitely recommend it (but be warned that you have to go through an actual sea of people to get to the puppet theater). The not smart thing we did was get late to the show so we got to sit all the way at the back and the kids really couldn't see all of what was going on. That really made Vir mad and he refused to enjoy any of it, especially if he noticed either Vijay or me looking at him. When we weren't looking, he did enjoy it a little bit. But nothing could have stopped Tara from enjoying herself. Because if there's music involved, you can bet that Tara will be dancing, whether she can see what's going on or not. The kind of music, number of people around, and general atmosphere and context are completely irrelevant details. So she was dancing and clapping all through the show today, even though she had woken up hungry from her nap just minutes before the show started so I expected her to be cranky. Seeing her swaying along to the music and clapping at all the right places really made some of the misery of today's little expedition worthwhile.
Although I have to say, the next time I want to see her dance, I'll just hand her my ipod (she's the one who pretty much controls it these days anyway now that she has figured out how to switch it on). Because there is no way I'm ever going back to the madhouse that is Macy's at Christmas time. If I'm tempted to inflict pain on myself, I'll just make an appointment for a full body wax instead!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Vir: Mamma, do you know the Titanic?
Me: Yes, I know about that (playing it safe so far)
Vir: It was on the Atlantic Ocean...and it was going to park right by the Intrepid
Me: That's right! Who told you all that?
Vir: Papa did. And do you know a big iceberd hit the Titanic?
Me: Yes (oops, don't like where this is headed)
Vir: Then what happened?
Me: (No idea what to do, so try to stick with the truth given general parenting philosophy) The ship broke and went into the ocean, Vir.
Vir: So did the people on the ship meet Spongebob Squarepants when they went down into the ocean?
Gulp and thankful sigh! I would have had no idea how to handle this conversation if it had taken a more serious turn. What a good thing Spongebob lives in the ocean, eh?
Friday, November 26, 2010
Well it is thingsgiving after all
For one moment last night I realized that things were perfect: we were back from the ER, the kids had been given their medication and were asleep with no fevers, Vijay was getting them to bed, and I was sitting in my bed with a new, unopened MacBook (my new prized possession on which I now sit and type and which is a present from dear husband and brother in an effort to get me to write more!) on my lap and a piece of really good chocolate in my hand. For that moment, I give thanks and more thanks.
While we're talking about thanksgiving, Vir is really worried about today. He thinks that since it's thingsgiving day, someone is going to swoop into the house at some point and ask him to give away his things. So every so often during the day, he's been coming up to me and whining, "....but mamma....I don't want to give away my things. I want to keep my toys. I only want to give my toys to myself. I don't waaaannnaaa...!" The mean mom in me hasn't told him that no one is coming to take his stuff away. I've just been nodding noncommittally and saying "It's okay's always nice to share, isn't it?" You should see the panic in his eyes when I say that!
Yes, I know I'll probably go to hell.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Super cute errors!
To me while I was watching a Harry Potter movie: "Mamma, are you watching Harry Bottom?"
Singing along to a Sheryl Crow song: "My little superstar...honey you break my plant...."
Tee hee I say:-)
Girly Girl
And you know what else is girly? She offers food and water to her dolls, pats them lovingly, and puts them off to sleep. In all his almost 4 years, Vir has never thought to feed anyone! It's really interesting to see the differences in them emerge this way. Of course, there's lots of non girly stuff in my grubby little toddler as well. The trail of mess and destruction that she leaves behind her wherever she walks, the way she manages to look dirty as soon as she's out of her bath, the way she zooms her cars and kut kut kuts her helicopters, and of course the farting and snorting!
Part girly and mother-y and showoffy and part grubby and dirty and boy-ey, she's definitely turning out to be one of a kind. And adding a one of a kind flavor to our days. If I haven't said this already, I've thought it a hundred times...I just can't have enough of this little one. Don't tell her I said that though...she thinks enough of herself as it is:-)
Monday, November 8, 2010
Weekends are just not what they used to be...
"...if you ask for one more thing, you're in serious tro..."
"...this is the last warning....5 more minutes and we're out of here...."
"hon....we really need to get out of here!"
...and so on. There were basically two groups of people in that store:
Parents: Inwardly and sometimes outwardly groaning and thinking what the hell bit them that they decided to take this on.
Children: Running around trying to get as much free play time in magic land as their parents could live through and screaming at the slightest hint that some limits may be placed on them.
So again, why do we do this to ourselves? It's an easy answer, right? Because it makes them smile and we like to see them smile. More than we like our afternoon naps.
Sigh. Next Sunday: The Children's Museum of Manhattan.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
- I'm a troublemaker. Let's just get that clear at the outset. I love trouble. I love making trouble. I love getting my brother into trouble and I love seeing my mom's face when she sees the consequences of this trouble that I so love to make. (She's funny when she's mad.)
- I have a really loud voice. I mean really. You don't know loud until you've heard me roar. Ask my parents. They can hear the echo of my voice in their sleep after they've spent a day with me.
- I think the bathroom is the most interesting room in the house. There's a tub that is routinely filled up with water and bubbles and bath toys. There's a roll of toilet paper that, did you know can be unrolled almost endlessly? And best of all, there's a big round thing with water in it that they call a "pot" that is great for dumping little knick knacks into. Like the other day when I threw my toys into it...they fell with a little plop. It was lots of fun. It was a little difficult to fit the toys in since my big brother was using the pot at the time, but that's what made it even more fun!
- I LOVE blueberries. With a passion. The more blueberries there are in the world, the better the place will be. I think the reason people are often unhappy is because they've run out of blueberries. I'm not unhappy because there are always blueberries in my house.
- I can point to my tummy, head, and bottoms, and close my eyes on request. I can also roar like a tiger, bark like a dog, kut-kut-kut like a helicopter, and whistle like a cooker. My talents are many. But I don't like the cooker. There are things about it I don't understand.
- My brother gets to do this fun thing that my mom calls "timeout." Recently I got in on that too because I messed with my mom's ipod. It was fun. You get to go stand in this corner. Aaannndd....that's it I guess. Hmmm...why did I think it was so much fun? Maybe it gets old.
Bye now!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Definitely a writer in the making!
Imagine the possibilities...what will she say next? My bet is on EXCLAMATION!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Looking at the Halloween lights on the Empire State Building: "Oh, Empire State Building! You have your orange lights on! I love when you do that!"
Playing with this shadow in the car: "Sunshine! Don't do that....why are you doing that?"
Looking at a British Airways plane taxiing on the runway: "Oh British Airways, I love you so much. I want to be on you, not on Air India."
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Of course, you're also a lot more of a monster than you were a couple of months ago. Gone is my quiet little baby who sat around with a bowl of cheerios all morning. In her place is a toddler with an agenda to cover as much ground as possible during the day, do as much damage as possible, make as much noise as possible, and get her brother into as much trouble as possible while maintaining the false image of an innocent and harmless baby in the woods. You're not really fooling anyone, not even your beloved nana! We know exactly how naughty you are and also that you've barely touched your potential for mischief yet. But that's exactly what we love about you and that's exactly what makes this family smile these days. Keep up the good work little one and keep some antics in store for your dad who is missing out and will have lots to catch up on:-)
Love always,
Friday, July 30, 2010
If he asks you, Superman does love daal!
Vir: Once there was a baby shark in an aquarium. He was very hungry. His mamma went to him and said what happened fish? Baby shark said I'm very hungry. So the mamma shark went to the big sea.
Me: And then what happened? This is a great story!
Vir: Hmm?
Me: You're telling me a story, right?
Vir: Yeah. Oh then....the mamma shark got the baby shark some meat!!!!!!!! (exclamations owned by storyteller)
And that's the exciting end to Vir's first ever coherent piece of original fiction! This is a very important development. Until now, his stories have typically taken sudden and very unrealistic turns. For example:
"...and the rabbit was crossing the river. And suddenly Superman came in and flew towards the rabbit and picked him up and flew into the sky!!!!! And then a car came and landed on the road and there was an askadent."or
"I was going there and then there was a big fire and I flew to a lake and picked it up and threw it on the fire and I was so strong!!! And there was a car and another car and a Honda city and an askadent."So Superman is obviously the latest obsession. He's Superman. I'm Spiderman. Tara is Supergirl. And there are a variety of Badmen throughout the day, including me when I tell him to do something he doesn't like. My dad seems to have started this obsession and he's paying for it dearly because he now has to spend hours (I really literally mean hours) making up Superman stories to tell him. You can tell he's reached the bottom of his story trunk because they're getting more and more boring. Some of them could really make you slip into a little Superman story induced short coma. I'm pretty sure that has happened to mom and me at least a couple of times. I know because I woke up dazed once and the last thing I remembered was Superman wanting to go to the bathroom and Vir not wanting to go. Or something like that.
The upside is that we're using Superman to great advantage. Vir loves doing stuff around the house now. If you want him to go throw something in the trash for example, you just need to give him a couple of seconds to put on his Superman outfit first so he can fly to the trash can. Or you can get him to eat his bowl of daal because that's obviously Superman's favorite food. One day of course, he'll know. But hopefully he would have consumed a fair bit of protein by then and Superman would have done his job to help this little kid:-)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
My little elf
(Note to self: do not leave scissors lying around. Might cut baby. Or baby might cut shirt for other baby.)
Monday, July 26, 2010
In a generous mood
Me to my mom: I think I'm going to go out for a bit...I need to go and get my eyebrows done.
Vir: No no mamma... when you and Tara and I go back to America, I can buy you some eyebroles.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
More stories to follow, but here's one from Vir for now on a day when he was being particularly cranky and grumpy, more so because I was ignoring him:
Me: Vir, what's going on? What's bothering you?
Vir (without a moment's hesitation): You. You are bothering me, mamma.
Hasn't learnt to mince his words yet:-)
Saturday, May 8, 2010
One of life's big questions
Me: Vir, do you want to say thank you to God before you go to sleep?Note to God: this one's for you. Please respond:-)
Vir: Thank you God for my family. Thank you for the food I eat. Thank you for the museum. Thank you for Tara's birthday.
Me: Is there anything else?
Vir: No.
Me: What about your new sunglasses?
Vir: Thank you for my sunglasses.
Me: Anything else?
Vir: Thank you for my potty and susu.
Me: Okay Vir.
Vir: Mamma...bhagwanji potty aur susu bhi dete hain?
Me: ...(wondering how to take this forward)
Vir: Dete hain?
Me: Okay...haan Vir, bhagwanji dete hain.
Vir: Toh phir woh itna smelly kyun hota hai?
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Fuzzy little snuggle puppy
Anyway, the point is that now that we're spending a lot more time together, I'm even more blown away by how stupendously cute this little one is. She just takes my breath away. She always wakes up with a smile - for me and anyone else she happens to meet. She just loves to laze around in bed once she's awake rolling all over the place and snuggling into any corner of me that she can find. Even when I get her out of bed, she waits patiently for what she knows is coming - her favorite cheerios in a bowl that she can then spend the next half hour patiently munching as she readies herself for her day, thinking about all the must be done. The patience has a limit of course...if I don't give her some munchies soon enough, she gets pretty dramatic about reminding me by throwing her head all the way forward and screaming bloody murder. As long as she's well fed though, she's super pleasant. She plays around by herself for so long that I begin to miss her sometimes. But all I have to do to get her attention is to open the dishwasher. Or the bathroom door. She will literally show up from any corner of the house for either of these things. And if I catch her going towards one of these things, or towards a plug point, or the humidifier, which she loves with a passion, she quickly picks up her pace in a mad dash to get to her destination before I get to her. I actually feel bad stopping her from going into the loo because I want her to have that successful mad dash and the thrill of making it before I do! She's super fun to talk to now as well...she says ah-haa more beautifully than anyone else I know. That's the limit of her vocabulary for now, but we're working on it. She almost says dudu as well...I'm pretty sure I wasn't mistaken when I heard her say that. I'll report as it happens!
I had completely forgotten what fun almost one year olds are...with so much to explore and do and learn and play and munch and smile about. There's a book I'm reading to her these days in which the protagonist is a fuzzy little snnuggle puppy. I can tell you, she's it! The book has totally been written for her:-)
Monday, April 26, 2010
My dad's a superhero!
Vir: Papa, pata hai, I'm Spiderman!
Vijay: Really! Wow!
Vir: And Ishaan is Superman.
Vijay: That's nice.
Vir: And William is Superman too.
Vijay: Cool!
Vir: And I'm also Batman!
Vijay: Batman is really cool, Vir! And who am I?
Vir: You're a policeman.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Everything's on the record!
Vir: Mamma, pata hai meri class mein ek plant bada ho raha hai. Jab woh bada
ho jaayega, toh hum usko khayenge. (Referring to a plant that the kids helped
with and that is now growing on their windowsill)
Me: How nice Vir! Tune help kari thi na usko banane mein?
Vir: Nahin, maine help nahin ki.
Me: Kyun?
Vir: Maine seed nahin pakdi thi
Me: Kyun?
Vir: Kyunki main ro raha tha
Me: Kyun?
Vir (shrugging): Kyunki aap nahin thay
So matter of fact! And I realized that this whole thing referred to his first day of school, when I thought he was too uninvolved and traumatized to notice what was going on anyway. Apparently, he stashes away everything into his little brain for later use and discussion. I'm racking my brains to remember if I've said anything inappropriate in front of him in the last...let's see...couple of years.
Me? Inappropriate? Naaah!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Dear Vir,
As we remind each other whenever it suits us, you're now three years old. That's pretty grown up. Yet, it appears that you're not grown up enough to really know that sometimes, the things you do cause me some amount of stress. For example, it's really not fun for anyone except you when you push your little sister when she's sitting and playing by herself. It's also not funny when you take the cookie on which her morning happiness depends and fling it across the room. Or worse, take a bite of it right in front of her. She finds it very confusing when her cookie becomes smaller so quickly. She also doesn't appreciate the constant nips and scratches she gets from you. Of course, I don't need to write you a letter to say all this. We live in the same house. I could just tell you and that would be more efficient. But that's the thing. I have told you. I'm not really keeping count but the number of times I've told you has definitely hit the high thousands. So I'm guessing that's not working. That's why I thought of writing to you. I guess one day you'll read this, and the way you're going, you'll probably still be pushing Tara or tricking her out of her cookies. So this letter will be timely no matter when you read it.
Meanwhile, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to finally understand that you're, regardless of how grown up I say you are, just a three year old. And while you're unbelievable cute and can pull at my heartstrings in a way that nothing else can, you're also very annoying a lot of the times. But that's what three year olds do - they bug their parents. And it's my job as your mother to deal with that. Not your job. So I'm going to take what you throw at me and do my best to smile while at the same time gently yet firmly guiding you towards not bugging me. And you'll just be you. Sometimes annoying, sometimes leading my blood pressure to spike, sometimes really testing your little sister's strength and patience, but always always the most lovable little boy in my world. Deal? Alright then.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
First splashes
After months of just sitting in her tub slightly dumbly while I give her a bath, Tara has finally figured out that water is huge amounts of fun. She seemed to get it in one big flash this afternoon when, after maybe one or two tentative little splashes, she went all out in the bathtub. I had a pretty overexcited and aggressive little baby in the tub after that!
This is very exciting for me. I can now go out and get bath toys and bubbles all over again! I really miss that...of course, I stopped doing that for Vir more than a year ago because fun as it may be for him to watch my face when I walk into a totally drenched bathroom, cleaning that up is just not my favorite thing to do. So Tara, enjoy this while you can, because with a mother like me and a baby like you (I know you're going to be no angel in the bathtub a year from now), it's not likely to last!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Questions from a three year old
"Mamma...America mein curtains kyun nahin hote? Blinds kyun hote hain?"
"Papa...fighter plane mein se smoke kyun aati hai? Normal plane se kyun
nahin aati?""Mamma...jab main table hilata hun, toh uske upar wala lamp kyun hilta
It's amazing the details he observes now. Thank God for the internet. Next time he asks me something I don't know, I'll pretend to be too busy on my computer to answer immediately, frantically pull up Wikipedia, then turn around and knowingly explain the working of aeroplanes or rockets or whatever else his little brain wants to know, thereby maintaining my 'mamma-knows-everything-I-must-always-listen-to-mamma-reputation.'
I can't believe I think this way though - trying to impress my own silly little son through pretend Wikipedia induced knowledge. I bet Wikipedia can't cure such madness. For now though, I'll be happy if it can tell me why there are blinds in America instead of curtains.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Let's see. Over the last month, a million things have happened.
1. The Gogoi family unit of Vijay, me, Vir and Tara has moved from Gurgaon to New Jersey. Sans Baggdu. (Plonk. Baggdu, if you happen to log on to this site, we miss you all the time.)
2. Vir has somehow wrapped his head around the geographical distance between nana nani's house, which he calls Dehradun, Vatika City, and America. He's fuzzy on the details, but he knows that we're now far away.
3. Vir has started school here! He's out of the house from morning to evening, which is a first for him and for us. Let's just say it's been very interesting. He is more or less settled in but is hanging on to some things to assert his independence and show that he can make choices too. For example, he chooses not to eat at school. Or go to the bathroom at school. I feel terrible about this, but also know that he's happy when he's there and he enjoys his new friends and teachers.
4. My little Haryanvi is picking up spoken English. It's hilarious. He now says things like, "I take this car home. Tara so happy. My parents so happy." And "Look at me. I'm all wet." And "This is break." We love it and can't get enough.
5. Tara has no idea that things have changed so much. But that's because she's been really busy practicing her new skills. She can now point to her tummy, baaah like a tiger (of course a tiger says baaah - that's all you can hear at the zoo if you go), throw flying kisses like a cheap roadside romeo, clap when she's happy with herself, and sway from side to side to show she's having fun. She's also crawling like a pro and has covered every inch of our new apartment by now. Especially every inch of the bathroom, which she loves. She will literally come running from anywhere as soon as she hears the bathroom door open. I don't know what both the kids like about loos in general. In her case, I suspect it's her recent discovery of the joys of toilet paper that drives her. I found her halfway through a gleeful unrolling of a fresh roll yesterday. She's even reminded Vir how much fun this used to be, and he's now rewound to when he was less than 2 and used to do this! Needless to say, we spend a lot of time rolling up unrolled rolls of toilet paper.
6. Tara has also discovered her love for cabinets, the diswasher, and the refrigerator. So, when we're not rolling up toilet paper, we're pulling her out of cabinets, or getting her unstuck from the dishwasher racks.
Okay, so that's not really a million things. It's only 6 when you write it down. But it's made up of a million smiles and laughs at the antics of the little brats, a million doubts and uncertainties about whether we're doing the right things for them, especially with this big move and all, and a million moments of just being together and happy. So you see, a million things have happened! I will try to remember some specifics and add to this list. Or just start from a million and one now that I've started updating this blog again:0)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
On a roll!
It's amazing, isn't it? The rest of us can clap and say "ppppfffffaaaa" till the cows come home and noone will care. But this little one is running full houses on her act and its her 3rd week running. I'm pretty sure she'll keep adding to her act and I'll be sure to report on her continuing success with the admiring public:-).
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The Entertainer!

Lessons from Disney
Vir: Mamma pata hai...Micky Mouse apna sara kaam khud karta hai...
Me: Really?!
Vir: Aur uski mamma - Minnie Mouse - usko help karti hai.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Lots happening
Meanwhile, he's going to a new school while we're with my parents. He doesn't like it as much as his school in Gurgaon. I'm not surprised since I think this particular school takes itself a little too seriously, as do a lot of schools in Dehradun. My little three year old comes home from school with a notebook and homework!! I didn't even realize he was getting homework till I got a complaint from his teacher that he wasn't completing his work. (Oops...first homework ever goes unnoticed and not done. Bad bad bad.) He's also started saying things like, "finger on your lips" and "ma'am" which sounds incredibly cute coming from him! All in all, I'm really happy he's going. I guess some discipline won't hurt him of all people.
Tara, of course, is taking everything beautifully in her stride. She normally doesn't let little details like change of location and uncertainty about the future bother her as long as the really important stuff like food and unending attention is taken care of. With the doting gramps around, neither of these things is a problem. My mom absolutely loves to feed Tara bits and pieces of everything we eat, and my dad spends all his time playing with her, taking her for walks, and generally being silly for her entertainment. She is growing wonderfully too and on her way to meeting several new milestones...crawling and standing being the latest ones. She's not an expert at these right now, but is getting lots of practice and will be there soon.
And as for me, I'm relaxing and exercising and indulging myself with long luxurious baths. The aim is to store up on relaxation now so I can draw on these memories when I'm in snowed in into a small apartment in a new place and the kids are driving me up the wall. Cute images of the kids in my parents' arms and myself soaking my feet in warm, fizzy water will certainly come in handy when I'm asking myself, not for the first time, why this is all happening to me! Seriously though, I'm looking forward to the change from Gurgaon - I think it will be refreshing for all of us, and I look forward to hearing the twang that will most certainly develop in Vir's accent, which is so far pure Haryanvi.
For now, I'm just praying I survive the long flight with the two of them! I'll be sure to update if I manage that:-)
Monday, February 1, 2010
Happy Birthday!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Do they teach this stuff at cute school?
"Mamma...yeh bee-em-dubloo hai?"
Me: hmm
"Par mamma...yeh bee-em-de-grey nahi hai?"
I guess BMW didn't think their brand name could be thus diluted by a three year old!