Monday, August 4, 2008


Climbed on a chair to get to the dining table and proceeded to lick the frosting off one of the pastries on the plate!
Does he look even remotely guilty?!


Anonymous said...

he looks tooo sweet. I constantly read ur blog. Am a mother of a 10 month old... and think, how do u even get the time to write.

Living in Gurgaon said...

:-) thank you! i'm actually really irregular at posting these days since he is such a brat! want to have some record for him to grow up and read though.

Pooja said...

Hey Manika, the pediatrician from the Sitaram Bhartia clinic is Dr. Sidharth gogia. He is good and patient :)

Reading your blogs is a pleasure and am amazed at your dedication to writing a post every month; I am hopeless at maintaining a rythm; My son is going to turn a year old this month. Keep writing...

Living in Gurgaon said...

Hi Pooja,

Thanks for sharing the doc's name. I think I've seen him around Sitaram, but haven't consulted him for Vir. Thanks for reading my blog:-) I'm pretty bad at posting regularly, but I'm at my parents' place these days and all the help makes it easy!