I just can't get used to this new look! Vir had his
mundan yesterday (it's traditional to shave off all of a baby's hair somewhere between 1 and 3 years of age. Apparently, the significance is that this act gets rid of unwanted traits from a past life and lets you get on with this one afresh). This is typically a pretty big event and gets done in a big way with tonnes of people and all the fluff. We just took him to a salon. I think he will thank us for this when he grows up. This is also probably the reason he was so peaceful throughout and didn't cry at all. (Who can blame the baby for crying with a thousand people surrounding him while someone comes at him with a fairly scary looking blade?)
Anyway, I'm glad it's over. I was terrified - 0f the blade, of Vir's possible reaction, of the fellow's possible incompetence, of possible rashes on his head post mundan, and even of how he will look! But it all turned out okay - the guy who did the mundan seemed to really know his job, there are no cuts and scratches on Vir's head, he didn't cry, and he even looks super cute (although I really did like him better with his lovely curls. Too bad this whole past life stuff had to come in the way.)
We had to work hard at making this a smooth event of course...Shroopie masi entertained him alternately with ice cream, her cell phone, and a big bowl of water while Ajesh was at the camera and Vijay was busy with the video camera. I was holding Vir since he refused to sit in his hot pink car shaped seat, designed, no doubt for just such occasions. Here's the visual series of steps!
The "before" picture with dad:

The "before" picture with mum:

Halfway there and Shroopie's efforts to entertain and distract are working:

Seems to be quite resigned to the idea of getting rid of unwanted traits from a past life.

I couldn't believe how different he looked immediately!

Not just resigned...almost spiritual about it.

The "after" picture with mum:
This is yet another milestone (though a ceremonial one) that he has now crossed and I'm so thankful for it. Here's to many more milestones crossed with smiles and happiness and friends and family just like this one was.