So anyway, the first Rakhi went off well...if you define well as I do anyway. I wasn't expecting much since Vir hates to have anything tied on his wrist. It's one of those toddler things that I think will eventually go away. I made sure he was really excited about Rakhi a few days before the big day, when he got his first Rakhi from a cousin in Dehradun. It came by courier and the envelope had his name on it and the card was beautiful and so was the rakhi, so it was easy to get him pepped. In fact, I think he was over excited about the whole thing because he came to me at least 10-15 times a day asking to look at the rakhi that didi had sent for him. Each time he asked, I stopped whatever I was doing and took the rakhi out of the drawer and spent time oohing and aahing at it with Vir. I might as well not have bothered though. He fooled me into thinking that all this excitement would mean that he would actually let Tara and me tie his rakhis on his wrist. He didn't. I guess it didn't help that the wire from the end of one of his rakhis accidentally touched his skin as was winding it around his wrist. This led my delicate little flower to start screaming loudly and insist that the weapon be removed from his hand. Later, he told me that the reason he gave up on the entire rakhi ceremony was because it hurt him. Probably the only kid ever to think that he was attacked by a rakhi. See:
Anyway, just because we didn't actually manage to tie and keep the rakhi for the stipulated amount of time (what is that, by the way?), doesn't mean it wasn't filled with emotion for me at least. I just loved the sight of the two of them together on a day that is special for brothers and sisters. I hope and hope and hope that they have a great relationship growing up. That they always watch out for each other, that they protect each other from evil forces (aka parents), that they fight over who gets to choose the music we play in the car, that they get to go for tennis or swimming lessons together and laugh at each others' moves, that Vir helps Tara with her Maths and that Tara comes home from school with Vir stories to share, that they share books and laughs and midnight treats and secrets and all the things that make this relationship so special just the way mine was and is to me. Too many expectations laden with stereotypes? Perhaps but they're fun to think about anyway. I do know that Vir is being a fantastic brother already. He just loves Tara. No matter how cranky or irritable he is, he breaks out into a smile when he looks at his Tara-Para! My challenge every day is to prevent him from smothering her completely with his hugs and kisses. Nice problem to have, I guess.
Where's my mug of bournvita?